We’ll provide you with monthly statistics that will help you discover which terms visitors used to find you on Google, MSN, and Yahoo as well as all of your website’s activity from the past day, week, month and year. We’ll tell you things like how many visitors you had, where they come from, how long do they stay on your site, what page is your most popular, what page is causing people to leave your site, what day of the week brings you the most traffic as well. The stats are presented in an easy to read "graphical" format which makes it easy for you to see the trends over time.
We work with you to develop a marketing strategy that yields results and matches your allocated budget. We sit down with you to review the viabilty of a Pay-Per-Click program.
If you opt for a Pay-Per-Click program we will manage it for you - replacing guesswork with our time-proven methodology. We work with you to select an initial set of keywords to target with your pay per click campaign, and then research additional keywords, across your target audience's entire research/buying cycle, to test for effectiveness in meeting your marketing goals. And we coordinate the prudent use of pay per click advertising in concert with natural search engine optimization - advising on when to use one technique, when the other, and when both.
You can cancel your hosting account. You no longer need to maintain and pay for a separate hosting account each month. We provide you with all of the technical features you would ever need, including regular backups.
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